Tarsius spectrum
Tarsius spectrum

Bunaken.co.id-Ratulangie Beach, If you do a Trip on the east coast coastline minahasa do not forget visited this beach, the beach name which is dedicated in honor of the late National Hero Dr. Sam Ratulangi. The beauty and panorama so eksotic decorated with a variety of banyan trees and other plants.

nevertheless, the atmosphere of unspoiled beaches especially in any spots banyan tree there has long been inhabited by animals such as endemic Sulawesi Tarsier Spectrum appeared sometimes during the day if you are observant to look for it.The other interesting endemic animals such as red crabs and various species of turtle beaches make it as a habitat.
among the seven species of sea turtles are listed, four of them laying on the beach ever detected in. accordance with the results of the investigation of the Organization Patron turtle sponsored by local NGOs and  supported directly by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) which is still exist there, almost every day in the month of July and september conduct monitoring activities in order to minimize any actions that are not commendable of the individuals who would like to hunt for used commercially.
Protective organization turtles as well  exist today as Ganeca recently founded, their activities are  a lot to contribute to the local communities that inhabit the coast such as providing training to develop such creativity, innovate various culinary and other handicrafts.
The beach also formerly utilized by many local residents to cultivate and develop seaweed cultivation, and finally after the deliberation which produces a rich society through joint decisions that in the location of the beach is more suitable to be made tourism area .a lot of them with sincerity hearts and consciousness they finally came to the conclusion to stop such activities.